Plant Equipment

Excavator (Grab / Magnet Attachment – fleet count 4)

These giants of the scrap yard are a key tool in helping our yards run efficiently. Primarily used for loading and offloading company and client trucks, they are also used for stockpiling our various grades of scrap material.

Mini Excavator Grab Attachment – fleet count 1)

The Mini Exavator is used mainly in our Non-Ferrous department for loading and offoading company and client vehicles as well as feeding our light-weight baling press with material.

Forklift Truck (fleet count 3)

Our forklifts are the most active vehicles in our yards, and are responsible for loading and offloading of all palletised material as well as loading of Non-Ferrous export containers.

Bobcat (Bucket / Fork / Sweeper Attachments – fleet count 1)

The Bobcat is by far the most versitile vehicle in our range of plant equipment. It is responsible for moving material around the yard, loading of Subgrade Bales for export as well as sweeping of the road and yards.

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