Fine Metals’ health and safety policy complies with OSH Act requirements, the main objectives of which are highlighted below:

  • Safety of an individual comes before all other considerations
  • To provide the necessary information, instruction and training, which enables all employees and contractors to understand their responsibilities for Health & Safety, thereby establishing the company as an example within the community
  • To give staff the correct tools to do the job safely and efficiently
  • To maintain good general working conditions by the provision of adequate facilities.
  • To seek improvement in all areas by integrating safety objectives with operational objectives, supported by Risk Management principals to eliminate the risk of injury. Risk Assessments are carried out for all key tasks in the workplace and for any site work conducted.

The organisation practices an interactive Health & Safety program, with regular consultations between management, safety representatives, safety committee members and employees. These are core values that are incorporated into all aspects of our business.

Managers and Supervisors are directly responsible for ensuring that:

  • A safe place of work exists
  • A safe systems of work exists
  • Employees are trained in the safe performance of their assigned tasks
  • Each Management representative is accountable for implementing this policy, in their area of responsibility

Employees are expected to:

  • Follow all safe work practices & procedures
  • Report unsafe conditions or practices
  • Suggest improvements relating to Health & Safety
  • Look out for their own safety and the safety of other people at work, including visitors, contractors and suppliers

“Fine People To Deal With”

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